Mobile app developers who will dress your idea in code

Sigmapoint is a Cracow based software company developing mobile apps for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and backend systems for both B2B/enterprise and startups.

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Recent projects


Mobile apps icon

Mobile Apps

Our experience in developing dozens of apps for Android, iOS and Windows Phone paired with skilled mobile app developers team give us the confidence to provide the best services in building a high performing software for mobile devices.

Startups icon


As a startup you want to keep it lean and change your course at any given moment. By working with many startups from US, UK, Germany and Sweden our developers are familiar with Lean Startup methodology and perfectely understand how to work in rapidly chaning environment.

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Our software development process is based on Agile / Scrum methodology. Every Sprint we deliver a working app with a new set of features. After each Sprint the scope of the project can be changed which provides a certain level of flexibility that is crucial for succeeding.

B2B & Enterprise icon

B2B & Enterprise

We provide solutions in mobile development for Enterprise and B2B in Transport & Logistics sector. Whether you need a ready product or a single feature we are here for you, offering a whole range of quality services provided by a devoted team. Now it’s time to build a solution for you.

Consulting icon


Are you new to the world of mobile? Not sure whether to go with Android or iOS? Should your application be hybrid or native? Do you need it at all? We are here to help you and share our experience. You can use our resources here or reach out to us for more personal and specific advice.

Outsourcing icon


Looking for some extra resources or team to accelerate your mobile development process? We are ready to take care of it 24/7 and increase the productivity of your company. Save your time by outsourcing a part of your development.


Author photo

Sigmapoint is the preeminent software development firm in Poland. They demonstrate a rare combination of technical expertise, problem solving skills and overall professionalism that can take an idea and create a fully fledged product within a short period of time.  As far as I know, probably the only firm that provides the same combination of skills and knowledge as Pivotal Labs in U.S. but affordable. If you are a client, consider yourself fortunate, and if you are Sigmapoint, hope they only take on projects that they find worthwhile and inherently interesting.

- Danny Landau
Founder of Quicklii

Author photo

Sigmapoint is a company that can easily handle large mobile application projects requiring integrations with complex APIs. Dedicated team of developers made knowledge exchange easy, what combined with strong QA phase results in safe and stable enterprise product.

- Paweł Skrzyński
CEO of Core Logic

Author photo

Working with Sigmapoint in Scrum methodology was a new experience for us but it was totally worth it! They delivered a great product tailored for our needs and were dynamically adapting new features.

- Jakub Oleksy
MD Polska at Sparc Media (a Pureprofile company)


Mobile development

Android icon


Android is one of our main mobile priority, therefore during app development process we pay attention to "clean code" rule and clear user interface, well-fitting on every device, and just so you know, we can support 99% of Android devices on market (starting from Android 2.3.3) so you don't have to worry about reaching your clients. Our Android developers use various approaches to develop solid Android application, covering it with Robolectric unit tests, and letting Robospice or Volley handle network requests. For persistance and marshalling of data we use OrmLite and Gson.

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With iOS being one of the leading mobile platform, it is vital to ensure its appropriate treatment. In iOS apps our developers create pixel-perfect UI following Human Interface Guidelines. We love Constraints and AutoLayout so our apps scale easily on iPhones and iPads. With responsiveness in our mind we utilize top Apple’s technologies like CoreData, GCD background queues and push notifications to make your app work smoothly and be rock solid. If something goes wrong anyway, we let Crashlytics hold our back.

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Windows Phone

As Windows Phone Developers we strive to provide consistent and satisfying user experience with the help of Windows Phone Toolkit and Blend for Visual Studio. All of this would not be possible without data to present. Json.NET fits perfectly for the task of obtaining it from self-built service, while Parse, with its .NET SDK, helps us managing it in the cloud. Furthermore, both technologies remain in excellent harmony with .NET's LINQ making local data management a piece of cake.

Windows Phone libraries and frameworks:
Windows Phone Toolkit LINQ Json.NET RestSharp
Windows Phone tools and technologies
Visual Studio

Backend / Frontend

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Python is our Swiss Army Knife for crafting robust solutions to your business needs. RESTful web services and integration of multiple web APIs, task automation or instrumenting and maintaining systems? You name it, and be sure we got your back! We have experience with large Django and Flask deployments utilizing solid storage like PostgreSQL, as well as the latest-and-greatest NoSQL databases like Redis, CouchDB and MongoDB. We will be glad to assist you with deployments to Heroku, Amazon Cloud Services, or any platform tailored to suit your exact needs that will allow you to deliver finest experience to your users with maximum uptime.

Python libraries and frameworks:
Flask Django MongoKit
Python tools and technologies
pip PyCharm
Node.js icon


We build fast, efficient and flexible backends using Node.js as their core. With MongoDB as data storage we obtain durable system, ready to persist everything you can imagine. But what would be the system if it could not manifest it's greatness to the outside world? There comes express, a web application framework which along with diverse modules provides simple yet powerful communication mechanism. However with great power comes great responsibility, thus high code quality is a must. There comes Jasmine with it's behavior-driven test framework. Alongside other supportive tools such as JSHint they guard what we value the most.

Node libraries and frameworks:
Express mongoose Passport crypto-js
Node tools and technologies
Grunt JSHint Jasmine
AngularJS icon


We like simple solutions and new technologies, so we use AngularJS and HTML5 for web developing. AngularJS gives us power to build single-page apps that are easily extensible. It lets us encapsulate client-side logic in a standarized form with clear responsibilities. Bootstrap helps us to build great looking apps on desktops and moblie web browsers, so you can use our products on every device. We appreciate when our products can be built with one command and we achieve that with Grunt and Bower. To keep client feedback loop short and responsive we deploy often to Heroku during development so you can always see current development progress.

JS libraries and frameworks:
AngularJS angular-cookies ui-router Underscore Bootstrap jQuery D3.js Font Awesome
JS tools and technologies
Bower Grunt npm

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